Creating a world

Its nice to have a window… but right now there’s just nothing to show. What you need to do is create a World entity.

What’s a World ?

The World Entity specifies two important things

  • How big is it ?
  • How many pixels per square ?

For our Snake game, we’ll make the world a 16x16 square world. And following tilemap conventions, a square will be 32x32 pixels.

Therefore our Game systems will now look like this :

namespace Snake
   class Game : public futils::ISystem
     fender::entities::Window *myWindow{nullptr};
     fender::entities::World *myWorld{nullptr};

     void init();
     Game() {
       name = "Game";

     virtual ~Game() {}
     virtual void run(float);

And the Init function will now init myWorld

myWorld = &entityManager->create<fender::entities::World>();
auto &worldComponent = myWorld->get<fender::components::World>(); = "SnakeWorld";
worldComponent.unit = 32;
worldComponent.size.w = 16;
worldComponent.size.h = 16;

As you can see, simply created the World entity, and initialized its World component.