

This repository is divided into two parts. Firstly, a description of my utils, a collection of header-only c++ solutions to recurring problems. I am aware that alternatives exist such as boost, but as a dev in training, I often had to restrain myself from using already existing solutions. Secondly, you’ll find documentation on Fender, the only existing project (for now!) that actually uses these utils.


I believe sharing is caring, and therefore everything is open-source, fully readable on Github. Consider this website as a Request For Comments, feel free to send feedback through github/issues. My goal is to keep everything I do neatly in one place, thus I can improve upon whenever I feel like, and hopefully it may help others.


I want to thank everyone who’s helped me, I don’t intend to list them, they’ll know. However, I want to thank the devs at for their work :)

Happy learning !