Handling inputs

Hum… You’re right. It’s all nice and well to render to the screen. But handling user input is just as important.

Check out the futils/inputKeys.hpp to know what events you can get.

The basics

This code right here shows how to react to basic user inputs.

  auto &key = futils::Mediator::rebuild<futils::Keys>(pkg);
  if (key == futils::Keys::Escape)

It’s that simple.

InputSequences (WIP)

You can also require events in a more advanced way.

input = &entityManager->create<fender::entities::Input>();
auto &component = input->get<fender::components::Input>();
component.name = "WindowTest";
component.activated = true;
futils::InputSequence escape;
futils::InputAction action(futils::Keys::Escape, futils::InputState::Down);

futils::InputSequence generate;
futils::InputAction gen_action(futils::Keys::Space, futils::InputState::Down);

component.map[escape] = [this](){
component.map[generate] = [this](){

You can create Input (an Entity) and get its (Input) to set bind together InputSequence (a collection of InputAction) and a lambda. If you need more advanced input control, prefer this solution. You may want to swap between different configurations of inputs, so all you’d have to do is send<InputSwitch>("WindowTest"). # Not Implemented yet.