class futils::EntityManager

 class   EntityManager

    template    <typename T, typename ...Args>
    T           &create(Args ...args);

    template    <typename System, typename ...Args>
    void        addSystem(Args ...args);

    void removeSystem(std::string const &systemName);

    template <typename T>
    std::vector<T *> get();

    bool        isFine();

    int getNumberOfSystems() const;

    int run();


This function allows you to create a futils::IEntity with variable argument list and returns a reference to the newly created entity.

auto &thing = entityManager->create<Thing>(12, "lol", nullptr);


This function allows you to create a futils::ISystem with variable argument list.

entityManager->addSystem<MySystem>(12, 13, 15);


This function builds a vector of pointers to components of type T.

auto clickables = entityManager->get<Clickable>();
for (auto &clickable: clickables)

> You should always use create and addSystem to add entities or systems. Anything else results in undefined behavior